accumulate/quiet press was founded to support literary works and their authors, varieties of publishing modes and traditions, as well as the artistic and sustaining work of editing itself.

At its start, a/q press is the home for the literary magazine s w i f t s which focuses each issue on a select few pieces, each of which we believe should be read in their entirety. With each issue, the editor also creates a limited edition print version in the form of various hand-made ephemera. 

In addition to the literary magazine, we are also organizing a pamphlet series where writers, scholars, editors, translators, arts organizers, and more can engage with their artistic work and its relation to themes such as process, change, learning, and growth.

We hope to expand into future endeavors as we go.

Founder & Editor

Jeremy Michael Reed is a poet, writer, editor, and teacher. He holds a Ph.D. in English and Creative Writing from the University of Tennessee, and he is an assistant professor of English for Westminster College. He lives with his wife and daughter in Columbia, Missouri.

A few of his past editorial experiences include serving as editor-in-chief for Grist: A Journal of the Literary Arts 11 & 12, poetry book editor & editorial board member for Sundress Publications from 2018-2022, and managing editor for When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry.

Past Interns

Jon Wilcox